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The Bulldog’s heavy, thick-set, low-slung body with wide shoulders gives it a low center of gravity. The massive head, of which the circumference should equal at least the height of the dog at the shoulder, gives ample room for muscular attachment for the strong, wide jaws. The limbs are sturdy, the gait loose-jointed, shuffling, and rolling—this is not a breed that needs to run! The coat is fine and glossy.

With the most distinctive and what many believe the most important part is that massive head and nose rope to die for, the Bulldog has an equally distinctive history. The Bulldog’s origin lies in the cruel sport of bull baiting, which originated in England around the thirteenth century. The dog’s purpose was to attack and madden the bull by grabbing it, usually by the nose, and not releasing its grip. Not only was this considered entertainment, but it also was believed that a bull’s meat was tastier if the bull was baited before being butchered.

Some Bulldogs were also set against bears for bear baiting, purely for entertainment. Bulldog owners set great store by their dog’s ferocity and, especially, fortitude in the face of pain—so much so that horrifying stories exist of owners proving their dog’s toughness by demonstrating that it would hang onto the bull despite being tortured or mutilated by the owner.

In 1835, bull baiting was outlawed, and a new phase began for the Bulldog. Some efforts were made to have the dogs fight one another, but this was clearly not the Bulldog’s forte. Now a dog without a cause, the breed’s popularity plummeted. By all rights, the breed should have become extinct, except that it had gained so many ardent admirers that they set out to rescue the Bulldog by selecting against ferocity while still maintaining—and often accentuating—its distinctive physical characteristics. So successful were they that the Bulldog became an extremely amiable character, with a personality not at all like its “sourmug” might suggest. Its tough steadfast persona led it to be identified as a national symbol of England. Its amiable clownish personality belies its appearance, and the Bulldog is a popular pet.

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Despite its “mean mug,” the Bulldog is jovial, comical, and amiable, among the most docile and mellow of dogs. He is willing to please, although he retains a stubborn streak. He is very good with children. Most are moderately friendly toward strangers. Although some can be aggressive with strange dogs, the breed is quite good with other pets.


The Bulldog appreciates a daily outing but cannot tolerate hot humid weather, which can be deadly. He should not be expected to jog or walk great distances, or to jump from any heights. Most Bulldogs cannot swim. We have some that do and some that dont.  Most Bulldogs snore, and some drool. Coat care is minimal, but facial wrinkles (and any folds around the tail) should be cleaned daily.


  • Major concerns: ventricular septal defect, CHD, KCS, stenotic nares, elongated soft palate, shoulder luxation, internalized tail

  • Minor concerns: entropion, ectropion, distichiasis, CHD, elbow dysplasia, cherry eye, patellar luxation, demodicosis, tracheal hypoplasia

  • Occasionally seen: urethral prolapse, vaginal hyperplasia

  • Suggested tests: (hip), (elbow), knee, cardiac, (eye), tracheal hypoplasia

  • Life span: 8–12 years • Note: This breed cannot tolerate heat. Special precautions must be taken when anesthetizing a Bulldog.

  • Caesarean deliveries are commonly needed. Hip radiographs show most Bulldogs to be dysplastic but few show overt symptoms.

Here at Palmetto Bulldogs we believe in health first. We are actively researching and breeding for the better. No Bulldog is perfect. However we do believe we will have some of the ultimate healthy Bulldog lines in the world. We pay little attention to the latest fads of the breed or set standards of the English Bulldog Breed. We simply have started our own way of breeding along side many canine specialist and board certified veterinarians. We started with a little bit of everything in our lines. AKC show lines, Rare Color, Exotics and some diamonds in the ruff. 


All of our Bulldogs are tested for many of the above problems and we watch our litters like a hawk for problems. If a health problem or a potential problem arises we simply redirect our breeding program in a healthier direction. 

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